True to its philosophy of supporting initiatives of the medical fraternity in disseminating updated clinical information, East West Pharma participated in the national IADVL meet held on January 18,19,20 &21at Kochi. The EWP ground force worked hard to ensure that the doctors who visited the stall had a positive experience. Dermatologists showed keen interest in the new products like Glufair, Skinscreen gel, Giggle syndet bar and Dersol foaming face wash showcased by the company. The foot fall in the stall exceeded 1000 with many international delegates too evincing interest in the product range. It also gave an opportunity for outsight, the sibling of insight- an opportunity to keep our mind open to the passage of ideas and information that can fuel future innovation. It was wonderful sharing ideas with senior dermatologists and we too resolved in line with the theme of the conference that we will take these ideas “from podium to practice”