East West Pharma at the south zone CME of Indian Psychiatric Society, Kerala Chapter The Calicut Psychiatry Guild organized a CME for Psychiatry Practitioners on 29th & 30th April at Calicut, under the aegis of the Indian Psychiatric Society, Kerala…
Dermatology PG webinar on “Atypical Manifestations of Atopic Dermatitis & Severity Indices in Atopic Dermatitis” On May 14th, 2023 between 11:30 pm to 12:30 pm. Zoom Meeting ID: 663 481 0255 Passcode: eastwest
East West Pharma – Fastest growing among the top 50 companies in the south. A wide range of products, dedicated therapy area executives, careful selection of products and creation of value monopolies have put East West Pharma on the fast…
East West Pharma participates in KNACON True to its philosophy of KEEPING PACE WITH SCIENCE, East West Pharma participated in The Karnataka Neurosciences Academy conference (KNACON) held between 28th to 30th April at SHIVAMOGA, Karnataka. The conference attracted more than…